Yemen: Saudi Navy fires missiles at al Houthi fighters in Hajjah

Horn of Africa: Suspected al Shabaab militants kidnap Cuban doctors in northeastern Kenya; Sudanese military warns protesters against disturbances

Yemen Security Brief

The Saudi Navy fired several missiles at al Houthi fighters in Abs district in Hajjah governorate in northwestern Yemen on April 12. Forces aligned with President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government have been attempting to seize the coastal Abs district since March 28.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

Suspected al Shabaab militants kidnapped two Cuban doctors in Mandera town on the Kenya-Somalia border in northeastern Kenya on April 12. The gunmen killed a Kenyan police officer in the course of the abduction before crossing into Somalia.[2]

A spokesman for the Sudanese army warned protesters that the new military transitional government will have “zero tolerance” for disturbances on April 12. The Sudanese military ousted longtime President Omar al Bashir on April 11 after months of nationwide anti-regime protests. Several protest groups have denounced the military takeover and demanded a civilian government. The U.S. Department of State separately ordered the departure of non-emergency personnel from Sudan on April 11.[3]

View our Yemen, Kenya, and Sudan story streams.

[1] “Saudi Navy launches rare missile strikes on northern Yemen,” Al Masdar News, April 12, 2019,; and “Legitimacy progresses in argument and reaches the outskirts of Abs,” al Mandab, March 28, 2019,

[2] “Cuban doctors kidnapped by suspected al-Shabab Islamic extremists in Kenya,” Agence France Presse, April 12, 2019,; and “Kenya: Cuban nationals kidnapped by Al Shabaab suspects,” Mareeg, April 12, 2019,

[3] “Sudan coup: Military warns against disturbances,” BBC, April 12, 2019,; “Sudanese protesters defy military curfew to denounce army ‘coup’,” France 24, April 12, 2019,; and “US orders non-emergency personnel out of Sudan,” Anadolu Agency, April 12, 2019,

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