Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Suspected Ansar al Sharia militants free prisoners in Shabwah; tribal forces secure al Saadah, Ibb; tribesmen attack al Houthis in Taiz

Horn of Africa: Police arrest four suspected terrorists in Kasese, Uganda

Yemen Security Brief

  • Suspected Ansar al Sharia militants attacked a prison in Ataq, Shabwah, releasing a reported 60 prisoners on April 9. A number of Ansar al Sharia fighters were reportedly among the released prisoners.[1]
  • Tribesmen reportedly secured al Saadah, Ibb on April 9, following reports that suspected Ansar al Sharia militants seized government building in the area. Ansar al Sharia militants reportedly withdrew after limited clashes with the tribesmen, which resulted in the death of one militant. Pro-Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) fighters, however, claimed on social media that ISIS fighters had conducted a raid in the city, making it unclear if Ansar al Sharia was responsible for the violence.[2]
  • Tribesmen attacked an al Houthi camp in al Rahida, Taiz, on April 10. The tribal fighters reportedly detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting the al Houthi camp before engaging in a gunfight with the al Houthis. There are no casualty reports available from the engagement.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Ugandan police arrested four suspected terrorists in Kasese, Kasese district, Uganda on April 9. This was the second group of suspected terrorists arrested in the town on April 9. Police would not comment on the suspects or if they were related to the other group of four who were arrested earlier in the day.[4]
[1] “Gunmen attack prison in Shabwah, releasing prisoners,” al Masdar, April 9, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
[2] “Tribesmen force al Houthis and al Qaeda to withdraw from district in Ibb,” al Masdar, April 9. 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Tribesmen clash with al Houthis in Taiz,” al Masdar, April 10, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
[4] Enid Ninsiima, “Police seal highway, detain 8 in Kasese,” Daily Monitor, April 10. Available:
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