Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Yemeni security forces fight al Qaeda militants, arresting one; Syrian Foreign Minister Waleed al Mualim called mediation efforts between Yemen and Iran failed; Yemeni Parliament ratifies UN Convention Against Corruption, Money Laundering, and Terrorist Financing

Horn of Africa: Reports that a Somali man attempted attack similar to Abdulmutallab’s in November; Chinese admiral proposes naval base in Gulf of Aden; Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki calls for assistance to Somalia; reports of malaria outbreak in the Lower Shabelle Region

Yemen Security Brief

  • In western Hudaydah governorate, Yemeni security forces reportedly clashed with al Qaeda militants and wounded several of them.  A security official said that one militant was captured in the gunfight in the Dayr Jabir area.[1]

  • Syrian Foreign Minister Waleed al Mualim noted that Syria’s attempts at mediating between Yemen and Iran, and the Yemeni government and the al Houthi rebels, have failed to contain the conflict.  He added that Syria still believes that dialogue is the best way to prevent further conflict.[2]

  • The Yemeni Parliament ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption, Money Laundering, and Terrorist Financing with reservations on certain articles.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Reportedly, a Somali man attempted an attack similar to the failed attack on Christmas Day by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, but African Union troops arrested the man before the November 13 Daallo Airlines flight took off from Mogadishu.  A Somali police spokesman, Abdulahi Hassan Barise, said that the man is in custody.  The case is now under increased scrutiny to look for connection between the two attempted attacks.[4]

  • Yin Zhuo, an admiral and senior researcher at the Chinese Navy’s Equipment Research Centre, proposed the establishment of a Chinese naval base in the Gulf of Aden.  The proposal came after the release of a Chinese cargo ship and twenty-five crew-members on Monday.  Chinese naval vessels currently use a French naval base to dock and resupply.  China is the world’s largest importer of crude oil, making the protection of its sea transportation lines a high priority.[5]

  • Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has called on regional countries and the international community to provide assistance to Somalia.  In a meeting with Somalia’s Foreign Minister, Ali Ahmed Jama Jangeli, Mottaki said that Iran is prepared to “participate in restoration of security and peace in Somalia.”[6]

  • Reports from Wanlaweyn district of the Lower Shabelle region say that there is a malaria outbreak, especially in Dariyow, Gobanle, and Qobyahas.  Elders add that most of the victims are children under five.[7]

[1] “Yemen Says Forces Clash with Qaeda, Seize Militant,” Reuters, December 30, 2009.  Available:
“Yemeni Troops Storm al Qaeda Base,” AP, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[2] “Syria Mediation Fails to Contain Yemen Conflict,” Yemen Post, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[3] “Parliament Passes UN Anti-Money Laundering Legislations, Convention,” Yemen Post, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[4] “Somali Man Arrested in Nov With Powdered Chemicals, Syringe, in Echo of Detroit,” Canadian Press, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[5] “China Mulling Naval Base in Gulf of Aden: Admiral,” AFP, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[6] “Mottaki Calls for Int’l Efforts to Aid Somalia,” ISNA, December 30, 2009.  Available:
[7] “Outbreak of Malaria and Diarrhea in the Lower Shabelle Region,” Somaliweyn Media Center, December 30, 2009.  Available:
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