Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Tens of thousands of Yemenis continue to protest in demand of trial for President Saleh

Horn of Africa: Five al Shabaab militants and one KDF soldier killed in clashes near Afmadow in Somalia; KDF and TFG report large gains in eradicating al Shabaab in Gedo region of Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

  • Tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the streets in protests across the country demanding the prosecution of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Al Jazeera reported that the Friday protests dubbed as, “Together, we will achieve the goals of the revolution,” have spread to 30 circles and squares and 18 governorates.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Kenyan military spokesman Major Emmanuel Chirchir stated that five al Shabaab militants and one Kenyan soldier were killed in Bilis Qoqani, located southwest of Afmadow, Somalia. Major Chirchir reported “many wounded,” but did not provide a number. Al Shabaab reported that it ambushed a Kenyan vehicle with an explosive and killed 11 Kenyan soldiers, repelling any Kenyan offensive.[2]
  • Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) officials reported that KDF and TFG now control the strategic areas of Gedo region in southern Somalia. They also stated that they are carrying out operations as far as Bardhere, which is more than 100 kilometers inside Somalia.[3]

[2] “5 Shabaab Killed, Kenya Suffers Casualty in Battle,” AFP, December 30, 2011. Available:
[3] David Ochami, “Shabaab Flee Kenyan Forces in Gedo,” The Standard, December 30, 2011. Available:
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