Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Gunman kills senior intelligence officer in south; authenticity of AQAP magazine questioned; Yemen to sign billion-dollar arms deal with Russia

Horn of Africa: TFG continues offensive in Mogadishu; opposition candidate Silyano wins Somaliland presidency; failed assassination attempt on Bari region governor kills two in Bossasso; clan fighting in central Somalia kills 14; al Shabaab executes man in Bakool for blasphemy

Yemen Security Brief  

  • A senior intelligence officer was shot and killed outside his home in Abyan province Thursday by two motorcycle gunmen.[1] 
  • Reports have questioned the authenticity of an online magazine released this week that was allegedly produced by AQAP.  The Inspire magazine, which has received extensive media attention, is only three pages long with the rest of the document reportedly corrupted by a virus.  Its featured content has been described as bordering on “parody.”[2]
  • Russian officials announced Thursday that Yemen is set to sign a more than one-billion-dollar arms deal with Moscow, including fighter jets, attack helicopters, and tanks.  Sana’a also plans to purchase naval technology to fight piracy off its coasts.[3]
  Horn of Africa Security Brief  
  • The TFG offensive in Mogadishu against al Shabaab continued into Friday, with no indication from either side that the fighting would stop. Official figures put the death toll from Thursday’s fighting at 27, while Friday’s clashes killed six.[4]
  • Somaliland opposition candidate Ahmed Mohammed Silyano of the Kulmiye Party won the nation’s presidential election with 49.6 percent of the vote, defeating incumbent Dahir Riyale Kahin and a minor opposition candidate.[5]
  • A failed assassination attempt on the governor of Bari region in Puntland killed the governor’s driver and a security guard. The militants used a remotely detonated explosive device on his car in Bossasso, but he escaped unharmed.[6]
  • Fighting between clan militias in Huldonye in central Somalia killed 14 people and wounded another 24.[7]
  • Al Shabaab executed a man in Bakool region after a shari’a court convicted him of blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammed.[8]

[1] “Gunmen Kill Senior Yemen Intelligence Officer,” Reuters, July 1, 2010.  Available:
[2] “Authenticity of Al Qaeda’s English Magazine Questioned,” Hindustan Times, July 2, 2010.  Available:
[3] “Yemen to Sign More Than One Billion Dollar Arms Contract with Russia,” Yemen Post, July 1, 2010.  Available:
[4] “Somali president seen on front lines against militants,” Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2010. Available:  “Somalia: Al Shabaab and Govt Says They Would Continue Fighting,” Shabelle Media Network, July 2, 2010. Available:  “Somalia: Fighting continues in Mogadishu for fourth day,” Mareeg, July 2, 2010. Available:
[5] “Somalia: Silyano wins Somaliland’s presidential elections,” Garowe, July 2, 2010. Available:
[6] “Somalia: Explosion kills two in Puntland,” Mareeg, July 2, 2010. Available:
[7] “Somalia: Somali Clashes Kill 21 as Moderate Group Issues Demands,” Daily Nation, July 1, 2010. Available:
[8] “Somalia: Al Shabaab executes a man in southern town,” Mareeg, July 1, 2010. Available:
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