Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Authorities intercept financial transactions from Qatar to Yemeni opposition; opposition demands interim council; police officer killed and 6 wounded by suspected Islamist militants in Lahij governorate; agricultural research station was plundered by alleged al Qaeda affiliates in Abyan province; clashes between Republican Guard and tribesmen in Taiz kill nine people; bodies of two AQAP militants identified in Abyan

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab claims responsibility for death of TFG Interior Minister, announces 3 bomb detonations in Mogadishu, traffic police graduation; AMISOM reports two-thirds of Mogadishu secured; AMISOM spokesman Major Ba-hoku Barigye steps down; TFG Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed refuses to step down; Clashes in the Gedo regions of Garbaharey and Burdhobo looming; Brigadier General Fred Mugisha promoted to Major General, prepares to take command of AMISOM

Yemen Security Brief

  • Authorities in Yemen reported the seizure of monetary transactions made from Qatar to Yemeni opposition, furthering tensions between the two countries. "We call onto Qatar... to stop financially supporting rifts inside Yemen's army and to work instead on (backing) the country's security and stability," said Deputy Information Minister Janadi.[1]

  • Tens of thousands of protestors gathered in Sana’a to demand that Vice President Hadi create a transitional interim council.[2]

  • A police officer was killed and six others were wounded when suspected al Qaeda militants attacked security and government buildings at dawn in the town of Hawta in Lahij governorate. Locals believe the gunmen surrounded the outskirts of the cities, staying in farms until the attack.[3]

  • An agricultural research station was plundered in al Kawd area in Abyan province by gunmen suspected of being al Qaeda affiliates. “Cars, agricultural equipment, water pumps and other laboratory and field hardware, along with various pieces of furniture such as tables, chairs, sets of drawers, air conditioners, fridges, doors, windows, and even fans and electricity poles” were destroyed in the raid.[4]

  • Clashes between the Republican Guard and tribesmen in Taiz on Tuesday. Nine people were left dead after the fighting and a number of military vehicles and trucks were destroyed.[5]

  • Security officials identified the bodies of two al Qaeda operatives in the city of Zinjibar in Abyan governorate. The two individuals were Abdul Malik Isma'il al Kibsi and Mohammad Saleh al Haymi. Plans for attacking government facilities in Abyan were found with the bodies.[6]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the bomb attack that killed Somali Interior Minister Abdishakur Hassan Farah. The group released a statement calling the attack a “strong blow” against the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG).[7]

  • Al Shabaab announced the graduation of its newly trained traffic police that will begin work in Lafoole district. Al Shabaab also claimed the detonation of three bombs in a Mogadishu checkpoint and reported weapons donations from tribes in the Jubba region.[8] 

  • AMISOM reported that almost two-thirds of Mogadishu has been secured by Somali forces. According to AMISOM, Somali people living in al Shabaab-controlled territory are increasingly persuaded to relocate to the capital because of improvements in living conditions. Relative security in the city came after Burundian and Ugandan AMISOM contingents pushed militants out of south and southwest areas, including the district of Hodan. Half of Mogadishu’s sixteen districts – double the amount controlled by insurgents, have been secured by AMISOM forces.[9] 

  • AMISOM spokesman Major Ba-hoku Barigye is stepping down from his post after a three year tour of duty. His replacement is Major Paddy Ankunda.[10]

  • TFG Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has refused to step down, contradicting an agreement between the TFG’s president and parliament speaker to make changes in the cabinet. Prime Minister Mohamed has stated that he will resign only if the entire Parliament demands it. Civilians rallied in support of the prime minister in Abudwaq in central Somalia.  According to Shabelle Media Network, the rallies were organized by Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a.[11]

  • Clashes in the Gedo regions of Garbaharey and Burdhobo are expected as al Shabaab militants and Somali government troops gather after a confrontation between the two left at least three people dead.[12] 

  • Brigadier General Fred Mugisha has been promoted to Major General as he prepares to take over control of AMISOM forces in September of 2011. Major General Nathan Mugisha, current commander of AMISOM forces, will serve as Deputy Uganda Ambassador in Mogadishu.[13]


[1] “Yemen warns Qatar over dissident funding,” AFP, June 15, 2011. Available:
[3] “’Qaeda’ Gunmen Kill Yemeni Police as Attacks Spread,” AFP, June 15, 2011. Available:
[4] “Al-Qaeda cells vandalize agricultural research centre,” Saba, June 14, 2011. Available:
[5] “Clashes Resume in Taize after Short Lived Truce,” Yemen Post, June 14, 2011. Available: 
[6] “Security source reveals identity of two al-Qaeda elements killed in Zinjibar,” Saba, June 14, 2011. Available:
[7] “Shabaab Claims Assassination of Somali Interior Minister,” SITE Intelligence Group, June 13, 2011.
[8] “Shabaab Claims Bombings, Reports Start of Traffic Police Work,” SITE Intelligence Group, June 14, 2011.
[9] “Mogadishu Gets a Facelift,” AMISOM, June 15, 2011. Available:
“AMISOM Makes Big Push in Mogadishu,” June 15, 2011. Available:
[10] “Force Spokesman, Major Ba-hoku Barigye leaves after completing a three-year tour of duty,” AMSIOM, June 15, 2011. Available:
[11] Jeffrey Gettleman, “Somalia – Prime Minister Refuses to Quit,” New York Times, June 15, 2011. Available:
[12] “Tense is High in Southern Somalia Town as Fighting Looms,” Shabelle Media Network, June 15, 2011. Available:
[13] “New AMISOM Commander Promoted to Major General,” Shabelle Media Network, June 15, 2011. Available:
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