Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Yemeni forces kill 20 al Qaeda-linked militants killed in Abyan; blast kills two tribesmen in Abyan; Yemeni political parties agree on power transfer plan

Horn of Africa: Roadside bomb in Mogadishu kills 11 people; unknown warplane bombs Yaqle in Gedo region; bomb explodes prematurely in Mogadishu, killing three militants

Yemen Security Brief 

  • Yemen’s Defense Ministry reported that security forces killed six al Qaeda-linked militants and wounded four others in Mudia in Abyan governorate on November 21. Security forces also reportedly arrested local al Qaeda leader Ali Abdullah al Zahiri. Separately, Yemeni troops also shelled positions held by al Qaeda-linked militants killing 11 militants in Bajdar district, east of Zinjibar. Security forces killed three more al Qaeda-linked militants in search for those responsible for the explosion in Mudia that killed two tribesmen.[1]
  • An improvised explosive device (IED) blast killed two tribesmen and wounded five others in Mudia in Abyan governorate on November 21. Al Qaeda-linked militants are reportedly responsible for the attack. The attack was reportedly in response to the killing of six al Qaeda-linked militants by security forces.[2]
  • United Nations (UN) envoy to Yemen Jamal Benomar announced, “A political compromise has been reached on the implementation mechanism of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) initiative between the ruling party and the opposition coalition.” He added that a date for signing the initiative is being determined.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • A roadside bomb that exploded in Wadajir district’s Medina neighborhood in Mogadishu killed at least 11 people, according to Wadajir distict commissioner Ahmed Addow.[4]
  • Airstrikes targeted the al Shabaab-controlled village of Yaqle, near Elwaq in Gedo region, killing three civilians. An elder in Elwaq, Moalim Abdulahi Mumin, said, “The aircraft fired several bombs, and two of them hit near a shallow well where nomads were drawing water for their livestock.... Most of the casualties are civilians.” An al Shabaab regional commander, Sheikh Ibrahim Mohamed, confirmed the strike saying, “We are hearing the enemy military planes fired missiles at civilians, but I have no details at the moment.”[5]
  • A bomb exploded prematurely in Wardhigley district in Mogadishu close to the district’s police station, killing three al Shabaab militants.  Residents report that the explosion cause significant damage to surrounding buildings.  No police officers or civilians were hurt during the blast.[6]

[1] Mohammed Ghobari and Mohammed Mukhashaf, “UPDATE 1-Yemen tribe hits base, army kills 20 militants,” Reuters, November 21, 2011. Available:
“19 al-Qaida militants killed in battles with Yemeni army forces,” Xinhua, November 22, 2011. Available:
[2]“Two reportedly killed in blast in Yemen's restive South,” AFP, November 21, 2011. Available: 
[3] Jamal al Jashini, “UN envoy: All agreed on power transfer deal,” AP, November 22, 2011. Available:
“Yemen's rival parties reach compromise for power transfer deal: UN envoy,” Xinhua, November 22, 2011. Available:
[4] Abdi Guled, “11 Die in Bomb Blast in Somali Capital Mogadishu,” AP, November 22, 2011. Available:
[5] “Warplane targets rebel-held village in south Somalia,” Reuters, November 22, 2011. Available:
“Air strikes kill three in southern Somalia: witnesses,” AFP, November 22, 2011. Available:
[6] “Bomb explodes prematurely killing 3 Al-Shabaab extremists,” SONNA, November 21, 2011. Available:
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