Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Pro-Saleh supporters protest against the U.S. in Sana’a; President Hadi announces preliminary ministerial appointments; Yemeni military kills AQAP leader in Lahij

Horn of Africa: American Jihadist in Somalia discusses fighting in Iraq and Syria; Kenyan security officials arrest suspects linked to a recent attack in Kenya’s North Eastern Province; Somali security forces clear roadblocks in Lower Shabelle region 

Yemen Security Brief

  • Thousands of protestors in support of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh demonstrated against alleged American interference in Yemen’s internal affairs outside Saleh’s home in Sana’a on November 7. The protestors specifically demonstrated against the United States’ request for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to exercise sanctions against Saleh as well as al Houthi leadership. Saleh spoke to the protestors, saying he will not bow to alleged international pressure to leave Yemen.[1]
  • President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi announced the creation of a new government and made preliminary ministerial appointments to multiple offices in Sana’a on November 7.[2]
  • Yemeni soldiers reportedly killed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) local commander Turki al Asiri, also known as Marwan al Mekki, in Tuban, Lahij, 350 km south of Sana’a, on November 6. One other AQAP member was killed during the incident.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • An unknown American Jihadist released a message from Somalia on November 7 urging the prioritization of the fight in Iraq and Syria above that in Somalia. The American allegedly came from Minnesota, USA.[4]   
  • Kenyan security forces arrested 27 people in Mandera in Kenya’s North Eastern Province on November 7. The unidentified suspects were linked to the November 5 improvised explosive device (IED) attack in the same town.[5]
  • Somali security forces began an operation to clear illegal roadblocks on the highway from Afgoi to Marka in Lower Shabelle region on November 6.[6]

[1] “Thousands Rally Against US in Yemeni Capital,” ABC News, November 7, 2014. Available:
“UN Poised to sanction former Yemen president,” al Jazeera, November 7, 2014. Available:
“Video.. In favor of talking about the fears today confirms: I will not bow, I was born and will die in Yemen,” Barakish, November 7, 2014 [Arabic]. Available:
[2] “al Masdar online published preliminary names of ministers appointed by the decision which was issued in the government,” al Masdar, November 7, 2014 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Senior al Qaeda leader killed in south Yemen: officials,” Reuters, November 7, 2014. Available:
“al Qaeda emir killed in Lahij,” Saba News, November 7, 2014. Available:
[4] “American Jihadist in Somalia Advises Prospects toFight in Syria and Iraq,” SITE Intelligence Group, November 7, 2014. Available at SITE.
[5] Manaste Ostsialo, “27 arrest over Mandera explosion,” the Star, November 7, 2014. Available:
[6] “Security Forces Start Security Operations in Lower Shabelle to Clear Illegal Roadblocks,” Dalsan Radio, November 6, 2014. Available:
“Security Forces Start Security Operations in Lower Shabelle to Clear Illegal Roadblocks,” Mareeg, November 6, 2014. Available:
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