Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.


Key takeaway: Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan became the first Iranian official to confirm that Iran tested a ballistic missile on January 29.

American officials told Fox News on January 30 that Iran tested a medium-range ballistic missile that exploded in a “failed test of a reentry vehicle” after 600 miles of flight. IRGC Brigadier General Dehghan defended the test after several days of silence from Iranian officials, who generally publicize missile tests immediately after they occur.

Dehghan also reiterated other officials’ denials that Iran's testing of ballistic missiles violates UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The U.S. and Iran disagree over whether the test violated the resolution, which “calls upon” Iran to refrain from activity related to ballistic missiles “designed” to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons. Iranian officials have asserted that “not one” of their ballistic missiles was designed to carry a nuclear payload, however. The UN Security Council held a closed meeting over the ballistic missile test on January 31. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley criticized Iran’s test as “absolutely unacceptable” after the meeting and stated that the U.S. “will call them out as we said we would, and you are also going to see us act accordingly.”


Military and Security
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February 10, 2017

Defense minister confirms missile launch

Defense Minister IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan confirmed Iran’s recent test of a ballistic missile during remarks on February 1. He stated, “This test was in line with our plans. We will not allow foreigners to interfere with our defense issues.” Dehghan added, “We will continue our plans in accordance with the presidential decree that was issued at the end of last year.” Dehghan is likely referring to an open letter President Hassan Rouhani wrote in December 2015 emphasizing his personal support for Iran’s missile program. Dehghan also denied that the test was “in any way” a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. (Mizan Online)

  • A total of 220 parliamentarians released a statement praising Iran’s “missile defense” system as “indispensable to national security.” The statement also called for strengthening missile capabilities. The signatories of the letter cross factional lines, underscoring that Iran’s factional blocs are in consensus regarding the country’s development of its ballistic missile program. (Fars News Agency)
February 10, 2017

Shamkhani: Iran will “deal severely” with foreign intervention in Iran’s missile program

Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani stated that Iran “will deal severely with any foreign intervention in Iran’s defense and missile capabilities” during a meeting with Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan in Tehran on February 1. (Fars News Agency)

February 10, 2017

Parliamentarian with long-term ties to the IRGC returns to military service

Esmail Kowsari, who served as a parliamentarian for over eight years before losing his seat in 2016, was appointed to a position at the IRGC Khatam ol Anbia Central Headquarters. The Khatam ol Anbia Central Headquarters is tasked with inter-service control of IRGC and Artesh units and is the highest operational command under the Supreme Leader. Kowsari has long record in the IRGC, including as the deputy commander of the Sarallah Operational Base, a headquarters responsible for commanding the IRGC units of Tehran province. He also served as Armed Forces General Staff deputy for security affairs. Kowsari maintained his close ties to the IRGC Command Network, an informal influence network of key IRGC commanders with ties dating back to the Iran-Iraq War, during his terms in Parliament. Kowsari will join Gholam Ali Rashid and Mohammad Jafar Assadi, two other members of the IRGC Command Network, at Khatam ol Anbia. (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

1. Mizan Online:

2. Fars News Agency:

Citations & Links

1. Fars News Agency:

Citations & Links

1. Ghatreh:

2. Fars News Agency:

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
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February 10, 2017

Rouhani criticizes Trump’s travel ban

President Hassan Rouhani attributed President Donald Trump’s ban on Iranian nationals from entering the U.S. as the work of a “political novice” during televised remarks on February 1. Rouhani stated, “One does not expect more from those who have just entered the political world… He [Trump] will inflict great damage on the people of his own country and on other countries in the world until he and the people around him learn about the issues.” Rouhani added that the ban reveals America’s intentions toward Iranians, stating, “American politicians and officials have chanted for years that ‘we are opposed to the Iranian government, but we like the people.’ Their hypocrisy is clear today.” Rouhani’s remarks are his clearest criticism yet of the Trump administration. Rouhani previously dismissed Trump’s pledges to renegotiate the nuclear deal as “mostly slogans,” for example. (Tasnim News Agency)

February 10, 2017

Rouhani to travel to Russia

An Iranian diplomat in Russia confirmed to reporters that President Hassan Rouhani will travel to Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2017. No further information on the planned visit was disclosed. (ISNA)

February 10, 2017

Basij Commander: U.S. administrations do not change America’s enmity for Iran

Basij Organization Commander IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Gheibparvar stated, “What sane person believes that America’s hostility [toward Iran] is decreasing? This hostility has nothing to do with this or that [U.S.] president. It goes further back.” (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

1. Tasnim News Agency:

Citations & Links

1. ISNA:

Citations & Links

1. Fars News Agency:

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February 10, 2017

Deputy oil minister announces multibillion-dollar refinery financing deal with Asian companies

Deputy Oil Minister Abbas Kazemi announced that Iran will sign contracts worth $8.6 billion with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean companies to modernize oil refineries in Khuzestan and Esfahan provinces. (Ghatreh) (Press TV) (E) 

Citations & Links

1. Ghatreh:

2. Press TV:

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