Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Mehrdad Moarefian, Marie Donovan, and Paul Bucala, with contributors Ryan Melvin and Jordan Olmstead. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.

Key takeaway: Ali Akbar Velayati stated that Iran considers the sections on Iran’s weapons capabilities in UNSC Resolution 2231 “unacceptable.”

Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati said the sections of UNSC Resolution 2231 on Iran’s weapons capabilities, “especially missiles…[are] from the point of view of Iran, unacceptable.” He stated that such a resolution “weakens Iran’s defensive power,” so that Western countries can “impose their demands on Iran.” Velayati indicated that Iran “did not and will not” submit to such weakening of Iran’s weapons capabilities.

Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati was reappointed as Guardian Council Secretary. The Guardian Council’s primary roles include approving Parliament’s legislation and supervising elections for the Assembly of Experts, the President, and the Parliament.

AEI Resident Fellow J. Matthew McInnis explains how recent meetings between Hamas and Saudi leaders could put a new wrinkle in Iran’s growing contest with Saudi Arabia for power and influence in his most recent blog post, "President Rouhani lays out vision for the new Middle East.”  

Nuclear Deal

  • Velayati rejects missile restrictions in UNSC resolution. Ali Akbar Velayati stated that the sections of UNSC Resolution 2231 on “Iran’s defensive capacities, especially missiles… [are], from the point of view of Iran, unacceptable.” Velayati continued, “A resolution which was approved under the influence of Western expansionist countries…weakens Iran’s defensive power in order to be able to impose their demands on Iran; this is an issue to which the Islamic Republic of Iran has not acceded and will not accede.” The Supreme Leader’s Senior Foreign Policy Advisor and Head of the Center for Strategic Research, a think-tank close to President Rouhani, cautioned that other countries will continue to erode Iranian identity and territorial integrity through similar resolutions. (Fars News Agency) (E)
  •  AEOI Spokesman: Iran will produce 1,000,000 SWUs of enrichment capacity. Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi claimed that the Supreme Leader’s demand for 190,000 Separative Work Units (SWUs) of enrichment capacity were specific to the nuclear power plant at Bushehr. Kamalvandi asserted that a “precise interpretation” of the Supreme Leader’s statements suggests that Khamenei called for 1,000,000 SWUs of enrichment capacity to meet Iran’s long term nuclear energy needs. (Fars News Agency) (E)
  • Parliament: “investigation of JCPOA is on Parliament’s agenda.” In response to Planning and Strategic Deputy to the President Mohammad Bagher Nobakht’s July 28 statement that “it was not intended” for Parliament to vote on the nuclear agreement “as a bill,” Deputy Parliament Speaker Hojjat ol Eslam Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi Fard stated on July 29, “According to the Constitution, the Parliament should examine such agreements, and an investigation of the…JCPOA is on the Parliament’s agenda.” Aboutorabi Fard also stated, “Of course, a review [barresi] of the process of the JCPOA has been on our country’s Supreme National Security Council’s agenda.” (Tabnak)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Rouhani: Iran is committed to fulfilling its commitment. President Hassan Rouhani underlined Iran’s commitment to the P5+1 nuclear deal in a meeting with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on July 29 in Tehran. Rouhani stressed that Iran and France “should help preserve the nuclear deal,” adding that the deal “can serve as a foundation for other bilateral or multilateral agreements with France or other European countries.” He also supported expanding bilateral ties, adding: “Relations between Tehran and Paris had many ups and downs after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution [1979], but we are looking for [better] relations in the future…” Foreign Minister Fabius expressed Paris’ interest in strengthening relations and extended an official invitation on behalf of French President Francois Hollande to President Rouhani to visit France. (
  • Rouhani promotes broader Iran-EU relations. President Rouhani urged the P5+1 to focus on fulfilling their obligations under the nuclear deal in a meeting with EU Foreign Policy Chief Frederica Mogherini on July 28 in Tehran. Rouhani stated, “The [nuclear] agreement will be very important and influential for the future of relations in the region, Europe and the world.” He stressed, “Now an opportunity has been created to think less about the past and instead think of a future…based on mutual respect and interests.” Mogherini stated:
    •    “I would say that we [the EU] support the [nuclear] deal with unanimous commitment, and…I will do my best to guarantee the precise, accurate, timely, and step-by-step implementation of the deal.”
    •    Mogherini also addressed critics of the deal and said, “…when we invested such a vast amount of political capital to reach a deal, it becomes almost natural that we will invest the same amount of effort and political leverage in the implementation phase as well…” (
  • Zarif discusses nuclear agreement, terrorism, and environmental issues with French FM.  Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met his French counterpart Laurent Fabius in Tehran on July 29. Zarif said that the delegation discussed the nuclear agreement, “combatting terrorism and fundamentalism,” and “cooperation in the field of environmental issues.” Zarif expressed his hope that the two countries would “move towards a more serious relationship going forward.” Zarif added that “we have had an expansion in relations in various fields. With the implementation of the JCPOA, the field for cooperation in the energy sector, transportation, and auto manufacturing has grown; [France and Iran] have traditionally had expansive relations in these fields.” This the first visit to Iran in 12 years by a French foreign minister. (Mashregh News)
  • Police delegation visits Moscow. Brig. Gen. Gholam Ali Karimi and his accompanying delegation toured numerous police departments while on their official visit in Moscow. The Tehran Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Deputy Commander met Russian security forces to discuss measures to strengthen joint Iran-Russia cooperation. (Fars News Agency) (E)

Official Statements

  • Rouhani: The nuclear deal is an unprecedented opportunity for expanding domestic production and exports. President Hassan Rouhani asked government officials to draft a plan for “the use of foreign investment and job creation according to the policies of the resistance economy.” Rouhani said that with expanded investment, “the growth of the economy will accelerate through the participation of the private sector and the support of the public sector; new employment opportunities will help the stable growth of the economy.” (IRIB)
  • Firouzabadi: Turkish airstrikes on Kurds is a strategic mistake. Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi criticized Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey’s support for ISIS, stating that “sooner or later supporting and helping terrorist groups will threaten these countries.” The Armed Forces General Staff Headquarters Chief also criticized the Turkish air campaign against the Kurds, noting that the Kurdish forces “have fought against ISIS.” Firouzabadi added: "The mistake that the Turkish government has made in recent days [in attacking] the Kurds - who resisted against ISIS - under the cover of an attack on ISIS will facilitate the access routes of takfiri terrorists to the Turkish borders." Firouzabadi warned that “ISIS’s calculations encompass the imaginary goals of Turkey.” (Sepah News)


  • Iran and Oman continue natural gas talks. National Iranian Gas Export Company Managing Director Ali Reza Kameli announced a new round of talks to finalize a plan that would send natural gas from Iran to Sohar, a port city bordering the Strait of Hormuz. (Mehr News) (E)
  • Iran automaker to sign deal with Mercedes-Benz. Hashem Yeke Zare announced that a deal between Iran's leading automaker Iran Khodro Industrial Group (IKCO) and German company Mercedes Benz is expected "soon." The IKCO Head stated that a five-year deal will be signed to allow for the distribution of Mercedes’ cars in Iran, while a ten-year deal is expected "for [the] production of commercial vehicles." (Press TV) (E)

Military and Security

Domestic Politics

  • Jannati reappointed as head of Guardian Council. In a July 29 meeting, the Guardian Council re-elected Ayatolah Ahmad Jannati as Secretary. The Guardian Council also named Mohammad Reza Ali Zadeh as assistant secretary, and Nejatollah Ebrahimian as spokesperson. (Alef)


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