Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by�Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and�Michael Rubin.��To receive this daily newsletter, please�subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Rafsanjani receives the new ambassador of Spain to Tehran:
    • "The Islamic Republic of Iran is not at all trying to build a nuclear weapon... the nuclear weapon has today lost its deterrence value and its use will cause great and irreparable harm to the nations and future generations..."
  • Alef News's columnist criticizes the communication strategy of the Iranian nuclear negotiators�in Moscow:
    • "The negotiations themselves are not important. What is important is the public [perception]. Rather than concentrating on the�proposals of the 5+1 Group, it should focus on guiding the domestic and international public opinion. The key�to solving the crisis is the public opinion not efforts to convince people who do not have a will of their own [the 5+1 Group representatives]. This is exactly what the Iranian negotiators�do not pay much attention to. But the 5+1 Group, with�undesirable degree of deftness, have created a war room... Who is Iran's Michael Mann...? Who plays the role of Alan Eyre of Iran for the foreign media...? Mr. Jalili's speech was several times the length of Mrs. Ashton's. He answered the questions of most journalists, but without convincing them... The most important parts of Mr. Jalili's statements disappeared in the midst of unnecessary statements. The media did not know if they should pay attention to Iran's opposition to an expert meeting on July 2, 2012 which is the anniversary of the attack of American aircraft careers against the Iranian airliner [in 1988], or Iran's five proposals or achievements of the Moscow [negotiations]... The entire world knows what the 5+1 Group wants, but what really is Iran's proposal? Why all these considerations? What expediency prohibits Iran from shouting its just message? In her press conference, Mrs. Ashton clearly declares that they presented three conditions to Iran... What is Iran's position in this regard? What is the Iranian package of proposals? The Iranian negotiation team constantly stressed that it has presented its five proposals. What are those five proposals? For a long time, it was not disclosed. When it was disclosed, it was vague."



Photo of the Day

Arrow down red
Jul '12
Jun '12
May '12