Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors

  • Senior Political Advisor to the Supreme Leader's Representative in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brg. Gen. 2C Yadollah Javani discussed the lack of Iran-US cooperation in confronting the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in an op-ed:
    • “It is interesting that the Americans are considering the Islamic Republic’s favor in resolving Iraq’s crisis while stating the necessity of Iran’s cooperation in fulfilling this goal. It is doubtful that the [IRI] government will ever cooperate with America against the expediencies and interests of the Iraqi nation.”
    • “There are documents and evidence indicating the primary role of America is creating the Iraqi crisis.”
    • “One can say in reality that a new sedition has emerged in Iraq, entering this country in an unstable level and threatening disintegration…What is pursued in Iraq today are part of the American design to confront democratic systems in West Asia.”
    • “Countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emirates, and Jordan have had visible and prominent roles in supporting this terrorist group.”
    • “The United States has marched to Western Asia based on a plan which can be called ‘the design of forming a great or new Middle East’ and has conquered the two Islamic countries of Afghanistan and Iraq. The Americans, despite expending very heavy and unbelievable material and spiritual costs in Iraq, became the main losers.”
    • “In Iraq’s first, second, and third parliamentary elections the Americans vastly tried to bring groups into the Iraqi Parliament who were aligned with them.”
    • “The Americans are attempting to impose their will on the Iraqis and bring their considered government to power in Baghdad instead of supporting the formation of the new Iraqi government based on the constitution and the natural political trends. The Americans have repeatedly announced that they oppose Nouri al Maliki’s government.”


  • Coordination Deputy to the Supreme Leader’s Representation to the IRGC Brig. Gen. Mohammad Hossein Sepehr discussed the Iraq and Syrian crises:
    • “It has been a few years that Global Arrogance [West] has concluded that the clash of civilizations between Western and Islamic civilization no longer helps their security interests. It has therefore operationalized sectarian war among Muslims in order to achieve its colonialist goals.”
    • “The killings between Islamic sects in Islamic countries are the primary strategy of the Dominant System today. This strategy is pursued in our country as well through propagandizing religious sects and creating differences in the country.”
    • “The IRGC, as the guardian of revolutionary and religious values, must possess such capacity that it can create awe in defending the Islamic civilization. In this path, the Representation of the Supreme Leader in the IRGC plays an important and fundamental role in producing the thought and belief of the IRGC and the Guards.”



  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Border Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Zolfaqari announced enhanced security measures along Iran’s borders, particularly in the West. Zolfaqari said:
    • “85 percent of the [security] gaps in the northwestern provinces of West Azerbaijan have been sealed, and we hope that with this year’s budget, we will be able to secure the remaining gaps.”
    • “160 border posts will be constructed by the end of the calendar year [March 20, 2015] [by the country’s southeastern border].”



  • Assembly of Experts Vice Chairman Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi stated “Iraq’s situation is the perceived domination of ISIL over parts of the country’s provinces. In reality, however, some Arab countries, America, and the Zionists began disrupting [Iraq] after the victory of Shi’as in Iraqi elections.”




  • IRGC Navy Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Fadavi stated “per the orders of the Supreme Leader the matter of the sea and attention to the sea’s role in the Islamic Republic’s national security has been placed in the activities agenda of the country’s military institutions.”



  • “Iraqi Hezbollah brigades” reportedly issued a statement opposing US military involvement in Iraq and condemning its “support of terrorist groups in Iraq.” The statement also announced “takfiri terrorists in Iraq have dug their graves with their own hands.” Kata’ib Hezbollah’s emblem is visible on the article. 


  • Shi’a News, citing an article from Al Masaleh, reports that an unnamed source has revealed a secret non-aggression agreement between ISIL with some Iraqi Kurd leaders struck on 23 JUN. Peshmarga forces have reportedly committed to not engage ISIL forces in KRG areas and permit them freedom of access to the road between Mosul and Turkey in Dahuk province. In return, ISIL has permitted Kurdish political parties to reopen their offices in Mosul and Tikrit. 


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Jul '14
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May '14