Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English    


  • Ahmadinejad at a ceremony celebrating the retirees:

    • "Another problem is this: At present, as the government decides to transfer some money to the pockets of the people, 80 people are mobilized to prevent this from happening... This country belongs to the nation, and the government, the parliament and the judiciary are the servants of the nation. But as soon as we want to give half of the money which has been taken by some - and have not returned - to the pensioners, there are those who scream... If someone receives [borrows] 100 billion and does not return it, it does not create mayhem in the economy of the country. But if we want to give a 5 million interest free loan to someone they will do their utmost to prevent it and claim that it will ruin the economy."

  • Mohsen Rezaei, Expediency Council secretary, claims that the concept of "Guardianship [of the Jurist]" was the precondition for historical steps such as "the constitutional [revolution] or the nationalization of oil..."



Military and Security

  • Ahmad Khorram, president Mohammad Khatami's minister of roads and transportation, discusses the issue of "unauthorized jetties":

    • "Back then, the Supreme National Security Council and the Headquarters for the Fight against Smuggling Products and Foreign Currency were discussing this issue. A report would declare that there were 94 unauthorized jetties in the country from which products were imported into the country. From all these jetties, products such as computers and automobiles were imported. Mr. Ahmadinejad too has declared this. It is not only us saying this. Military products would be imported with military licenses, but it was non-military and commercial products which were imported through these jetties..."

    • "The greatness and importance of the private sector advisers and contracting firms in development of the country has been undermined, since a first rate contractor which is forced to become a sub contractor to a public sector company in order to secure its survival, has no dignity left! Using the Armed Forces and their sources for peace era development of the country must be done properly. This has also been done in China and South Korea. China reduced its armed personnel from 2.5 to 2.1 million and transferred the remaining people to the private sector so they could work within the framework of the private sector. Unlike our country, where the Armed Forces establish powerful companies with whom no one dares to compete."

    • "With these companies entering the development projects, the cost of executing projects increased, since these companies just demand whatever money they desire, and can make their claims whenever they desire to and no employer dares to criticize their work. By disrupting the technical and executive system of the country, the cost of the projects rose and the dignity and role of the private sector contractors and advisers in the development of the country were questioned. And the time of executing projects was also prolonged. These are blows dealt to the national production, employment and Iran's capital..."

  • Farda News celebrates the anniversary of "the first martyrdom seeking operation against the Zionist regime in Lebanon," and stresses the role of the Lebanese Hezbollah in the first and ensuing suicide operations against the Israeli forces.


Human Rights

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