Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Marie Donovan, and Dianna Timmerman. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.    

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Official Statements

  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham urged restraint in the political crisis in Burkina Faso and said:
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing developments in Burkina Faso and sees as very important the need for the two sides' restraint and their efforts to prevent violence and the killing of people.”
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran supports peace, security and the formation of an inclusive and strong government in Burkina Faso with the contribution of all parties and the real representatives of the country’s nation.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Senior Advisor to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, IRGC commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Hamedani spoke about the IRGC’s role in construction projects:
    • “The entering of the IRGC in construction projects can be seen as a holy war, no contract was available to transfer gas from Karmanshah to Qasir-e Shirin so the IRGC accepted responsibility to enter the area.”
    • “However, to carry out the project 48 were martyred for the Revolution, and due to insecurity in the region no contractor was willing to do it.” (Defa Press)


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • According to senior military officials in Baghdad IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani planned the operations liberating Jurf al-Sakher from ISIL occupation. A Shi’a militia commander under the name Abu Zeinab said Soleimani began planning the operations approximately three months ago. An unnamed Iraqi general described Soleimani as a fearless leader, who in times of danger does not wear a bullet proof vest. (Fars News Agency


  • Bushehr Representative MP Abdolkarim Jamiri has reported that pressure on Shiites in the region has increased:
    •  Referring to the Islamic Awakening in Muslim countries and the failure of the US and its allies in Lebanon and Gaza Jamiri stated “In recent years the Middle East and North Africa has witnessed a profound transformation.”
    •  “This issue has caused these countries to normalize and change the situation in the region by using the media on the one hand and physical power on the other.” (Mehr News


Military and Security

  • IRGC Zanjan county unit Commander Abolfazl Tahmasbi announced that the Basij forces in Zanjan will hold a two-day military exercise called “Towards Beit al-Moqaddas,” which will be comprised of female and male Basijis. Tahmasbi added:
    • "The Towards Beit al-Moqaddas 3 exercises will be conducted by Beit al-Moqaddas and Kosar battalions on November 6-7 in Zanjan province." (IRNA


Nuclear Talks

  • Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Gholam Hossein Dehghani spoke about Iran’s need for nuclear energy and stated that areas of national security and defense capability are not negotiable at any level: 
    • “In today’s world nations’ energy needs, especially electricity, have increased, and it is necessary to meet this need without affecting the weather and climate around the world by making maximum use of clean energy sources.”
    • “In this regard nuclear energy has played a very important role in the progress of developing countries.”
    • “Iran’s stance is based on cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), however, as we have always stated, we will never negotiate on issues related to national security and defense capability.” (Fars News Agency)
  • National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Parliamentary Commission Spokesman MP Hossein Naghavi Hosseini spoke about how the changing political makeup of the United States will not affect the nuclear negotiations:
    • “It was predictable that the Republicans would gain the majority of Senatorial seats in the election, but this change in political makeup will not affect the nuclear negotiations.”
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran knows that due to the influence of the Zionist regime it is difficult for statesmen and politicians in the United States, but this time they should drink hemlock.” (Fars News Agency
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