Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.


A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected]

(E) = Article in English


  • Rafsanjani addresses Assembly of Experts:
    • "Since the last convention [of the Assembly of Experts], unpleasant events have taken place in the country which were unprecedented. The events have led to conflicts and possibly some vengeance in hearts; indeed events took place about which no Muslim can be happy. Also some of the family members of the protesters but also the authorities were harmed and one must deplore this issue and attend to it..."
    • "Naturally the late Imam [Khomeini] and his students along with divine elements directed the revolution, but what led the revolution to victory was the presence of the people and what has immunized the revolution until now has been the presence of the people and fortunately, the good presence of the people on February 11th the terrible propaganda of the enemy was neutralized..."
    • Addressing the protest movement: "They must follow the path [of the regime] and I know that the Leader wants things not to heat up so that no one is harmed..."
    • "There is a line between those who are loyal towards the revolution and the iconoclasts who have a problem with the Constitution or the Leader. This is not an artificial line and one must not allow it to be done away with..."
  • Assembly of Expert may discuss reform of the election law to reduce the role of the Guardian Council.
  • Sadegh Zibakalam, an academic, calls for reform of the election law because of partisanship within the Guardian Council.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Hamid Rowhani demands execution of Mir-Hossein Mousavi, his wife Zahra Rahnavard, Mohammad Khatami and Mehdi Karrubi "just like decisive behavior of the Imam [Khomeini] towards the Monafeghin [Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization.]"
  • Mohammad Khatami visits Ali Karrubi, injured and under arrest.
  • Ali-Reza Beheshti refutes rumors that Mir-Hossein Mousavi had a heart attack and is hospitalized.
  • [E] Ahmadinejad said Iranians were living at the very heart of an Islamic Revolution which is duty bound to correct the whole world and materialize the ideals of humanity.


  • Ahmadinejad addresses crowds in Birjand:
    • "Our relationship with our neighbors is excellent and will - thanks to divine wisdom - be even better. Let everyone know that if a sincere hand of friendship is stretched to us we will welcome it but, should any arm of violence be extended against the Iranian nation, this nation will sever that arm from the body..."
    • "You see that they provoke the Zionist regime and tempt this criminal to attack its neighboring countries once again. I called the presidents of the neighbors of the Zionist regime asking about their affairs and they made some explanations. I told them to be prepared and equipped… If this criminal regime should want to repeat the past and commit a mistake you must put an end to it and uproot it."
  • Rafsanjani addresses Assembly of Experts:
    • "The United States has an unprecedented presence in the region in order to exert pressure on the Islamic Republic and now they claim that Iran is moving towards a military dictatorship. Such statements have certain meanings..."
    • Commenting the United States position towards Iran Rafsanjani said: "They want to continue a dual track towards Iran. On the one hand they have opened the doors to negotiations, and on the other hand they are considering military strikes against Iran."
  • [E] The Islamic Republic of Iran and Qatar on Wednesday signed a defensive protocol to increase cooperation between the two neighboring countries.
  •  [E] Iran plays a determining role in developments in the southwest Asia in addition to its role in the Middle East, an aide to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said on Wednesday.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Ahmadinejad addressing crowds in Birjand:
    • "We are telling them that if you cooperate with Iran, it would be better for you. We pride ourselves in the fact that none of the contenders to world dominance will have any future without Iran's cooperation..."
  • Rafsanjani addresses Assembly of Experts:
    • "Previously we would complain about Mr. El-Baradei for not telling the truth in a clear way, but the new Director of the IAEA has reiterated all the doubts which were said about Iran and right after release of the report, the Western governments, who were ready for such a report and informed about its content, welcomed it..."
    • Calls exchange of nuclear fuel a sign of "capitulation of Iran."
  • [E] Larijani:IAEA not entitled to ask Iran to suspend nuclear activities.


  • Rafsanjani addresses Assembly of Experts: "Politicians know what the meaning of crippling sanctions is, but of course, the scandal of this [IAEA] report is unprecedented. Of course, because of the waves of the presence of the people [on Revolution Day], the threats have declined, but one can't be sure that this decline is calm before fire..."

Photos of the Day



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Mar '10
Feb '10
Jan '10