Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.



A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].


(E) = Article in English


Hamas official confirms Iran’s economic aid to organization; Supreme Leader’s representative says U.S. attempting to destabilize Islamic Republic; Foreign Ministry says Iran awaits West’s response on nuclear swap; Bushehr nuclear plant expected to come into operation within months; BBC Persian goes round-the-clock; Euronews to begin broadcasts in Persian




Military and Security

  • A member of the Political Bureau of Hamas says his organization receives economic aid from Iran, but says Hamas has not promised Iran anything in return.

  • A group called Gordan-e Esteshhadiyoun-e Shahab-e Sagheb [Shahab-e Sagheb Suicide Brigades] in Qom warn the authorities that should the "discord" not be suppressed in a week they will take action against it.

  • [E] Supreme Leader's Advisor for Military Affairs Major General Seyed Yahya Rahim Safavi:  "Americans do not want to see a secure, stable, mighty and advanced Islamic Republic of Iran standing in the region as the number one economic and political power with cultural and political clout."

  • [E] The Iranian military has announced plans to dispatch a fifth fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia.

Nuclear Issue


  • Esfandiyar Rahim Mashaei, Ahmadinejad's Chief of Staff, says the cash hand out will be first distributed to the lower income groups.

Religion, Society and Culture


  • BBC Persian becomes a 24 hours service.

  • Euronews to start broadcasts in Persian.

  • Rafsanjani addresses some members of the Central Committee of the Islamic Association of University Professors: "In order to administer the affairs [of the state] we need the trust of the people. This is also what Islam demands and we must all follow this path... [televised] panel debates and arguments in the media rather than street clashes could help us reach this path..."

    • Former Foreign Minister and current adviser to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati and Mohsen Rezai, former Revolutionary Guards Chief and presidential candidate to participate at a debate on this week's Rou Be Farda [Facing Tomorrow] television program.

    • Theme of the debate is "foreign interventions” [in the post-election discord]

    • Political activist Emad Afrouch says "one must first invite the people from the circle around Mr. [Mir-Hossein] Mousavi who are the real circle of protest [to participate in televised debates.] In my opinion, should Mr. Mousavi be invited, as far as I know him, he would not make rash statements and will not stress discord. He knows well that he must stress national reconciliation. He will make his own statements and at the same time he will help national unity. I demand national unity, even in case all individuals are done away with since the nation and nationality is something beyond individuals and in order to achieve this unity I'll do anything since for me the foundation of the Islamic Republic is more important to me than political factions."

Photos of the Day

Arrow down red
Feb '10
Jan '10
Dec '09