Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

 (E) = Article in English



  • Ahmadineajd's May Day address:
    • "During the sacred defense [Iran-Iraq war] both Westerners and Easterners, the most dictatorial as well as the most liberal individuals, cooperated with Saddam but our nation dealt such a blow to their mouth with its resistance that they still flee crying..."
    • "During the presidency of Mr. Bush, even the Americans themselves had turned rebellious because all his program was murder. Back then they thought that the Iranian nation would shake but our dear people did not pay the least attention to Bush' statements..."
  • Ali-Akbar Velayati, foreign policy adviser to the Supreme Leader, says "Obama represents the soft, complicated and diplomatic language of the diabolic policies of the United States."
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi, the Supreme Leader's representative to the Revolutionary Guards:
    • "The Imam [Khomeini] did not say that the Guards should not intervene in politics, but he said the Guards should not become a party political and we are abiding by that..."
    • "The Guards is not only a military institution, but it is also a revolutionary, intelligence, military, political and cultural institution. In other words, it aids the Intelligence Ministry, it aids the Army, and it assists the Law Enforcement Forces where appropriate. In the cultural field it helps the cultural bureaus of the country and in the field of economy it assists the developmental institutions of the government..."
    • "The Army is solely tasked with the job of guarding the territorial integrity and independence of the country, but this is not the only obligation of the Guards….
  • [E] A senior Iranian lawmaker announced that the parliament is still running consultations with different ministries and state departments over the plan for downgrading relations with Britain.
  • [E] With Tehran still “reeling” from recent Emirati claims on three Persian Gulf islands, Iranian lawmakers move to reduce ties with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


  • Ali Vakili, Pars Oil and Gas Company deputy, says the company is about to release "6 billion Euros worth “'participation' bonds" in order to raise capital to develop of South Pars Oil and Gas Field.
  • Morteza Tamaddon, Tehran governor, says bread subsidies will not be affected by the reform of the subsidies system.


Human Rights

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Hundreds of Kabul residents staged a protest in front of the Iranian embassy in Kabul, condemning recent executions of Afghan citizens and mistreatment of Afghan refugees in the country.
    • Afghanpaper says the protest rally was organized by Najibullah Kabuli, a member of Afghan parliament who is strongly anti-Iran.
    • Afghanistan’s Foreign Ministry has summoned Iran’s chargé d’affaires in Kabulto protest the recent executions of Afghan citizens in Iran. The Iranian diplomat rejected recent reports that 3,000 Afghan citizens faced death penalty in Iran.
    • Afghan parliament’s lower house has blasted Iran for mistreatment of Afghan refugees, especially the recent execution of Afghan citizens on drug charges.
  • Iran’s Deputy Commerce Minister Babak Afqahi announced the opening of a second Iranian bank in Afghanistan, and stressed that Iran held a strategic view on Afghanistan, which is a key route to Central Asian markets.

Photo of the Day


Arrow down red
Jun '10
May '10
Apr '10