Pakistan Security Brief

Pakistan Security Brief – June 30, 2009 

Suicide bombers struck an Afghanistan-Pakistan border post at Torkham and a restaurant in Pakistan’s Balochistan province near a NATO supply convoy route; Pakistani air forces bombed areas of North Waziristan; surveillance drones are reportedly being used to gather and share live video feeds, communication and other intelligence for Pakistani military operations.  
  • A suicide bombing attack in Pakistan’s Balochistan province killed four people today. The attack struck in the town of Sohrab, nearly 200 miles from Quetta. A NATO convoy carrying supplies for troops in Afghanistan reportedly passed through the location of the bombing thirty minutes before the attacker struck.[1] 
  • Pakistani air forces bombed areas west of Miramshah in the North Waziristan agency today, reportedly killing seven. The aerial strikes come on the heels of the recent ambush of Pakistani soldiers by militants loyal to Hafiz Gul Bahadur, breaking a truce deal. Maulvi Nazir, a militant leader in South Waziristan, also reportedly broke a truce and recently declared war on the Pakistani army.[2]
  • A suicide bomber dressed in a burqa set-off his explosives in a border-checkpoint room used by female security guards to inspect women crossing the Afghanistan-Pakistan border at Torkham. Reported deaths after attack ranged from two to eight. On the Pakistani side of the border, in nearby Khyber agency, security forces claim to have killed more than a dozen militants after shelling suspected enemy hideouts; civilian casualties were also reported in other Khyber operations.[3]
  • Surveillance drones have reportedly resumed flights over the FATA as part of an effort to share live video feeds, communications intercepts, and other intelligence information for military operations in Pakistan.[4]
  • Pakistani military spokespeople claim the army killed eighteen militants and arrested two dozen more in operations throughout Malakand in the last twenty-four hours. Yesterday, a bomb blast in the Swari bazaar in Buner district injured eighteen.[5]
  • Rival tribes in Kurram agency continued to clash yesterday as ongoing peace talks between tribal elders and political administrators continued in the area.[6]

[1] “Four killed in Balochistan blast”, BBC, June 30, 2009. Available at
[2] “Seven killed in North Waziristan strikes”, Dawn News Online, June 30, 2009. Available at “Pakistani militants abandon deal”, BBC, June 30, 2009. Available at
[3] Ibrahim Shinwari, “Eight killed in suicide attack near Torkhum”, Dawn News Online, June 30, 2009. Available at ; Rafiq Sherzad and Hamid Shalizi, “Afghan-Pakistan border blast wounds several-police,” Reuters, June 30, 2009.  Available at “13 militants, seven civilians killed in Khyber”, The News Online, June 30, 2009. Available at
[4] Eric Schmitt and Mark Mazzetti, “U.S. Resumes Surveillance Flights Over Pakistan”, The New York Times, June 30, 2009. Available at
[5] “Eighteen militants killed in Waziristan, Malakand: ISPR”, Dawn News Online, June 30, 2009. Available at Abdur Rehman Abid, “18 injured in Buner blast”, Dawn News Online, June 30, 2009. Available at
[6] “Three more killed in Kurram clashes”, The News Online , June 30, 2009. Available at  
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