Pakistan Security Brief

ISI Chief briefs Parliament on Abbottabad operation; ISI had pushed for formal agreement with CIA; Parliament passes resolution condemning raid; 4,000 rally against U.S. raid; Deputy Chief of Air Staff Operations defends against failure to detect U.S. helicopters; Senator Kerry arrives in Islamabad for talks; U.S. diplomat detained in Rawalpindi; Jury selection begins for Rana trial; Three Pakistani Americans charged with offering material support to Taliban;  Indian and Pakistani troops exchange fire at border; Bodies of three “spies” found in NWA; Ten militants killed in clash in Orakzai; Seven killed in Mohmand Agency blast; Leader of peace committee killed in Mohmand, Nineteen NATO oil tankers torched; Saudi diplomat killed in Karachi; ‘Target killings’ continue in Karachi; Member of a pro-government peace committee killed in Hangu; School attacked in Nowshera; Blast on bus in Kharian.


ISI Chief Briefs Parliament

  • On Friday, the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, briefed parliament on the May 2 operation that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad and argued that Pakistan should be properly acknowledged for its role in dismantling al Qaeda prior to the raid. During the briefing, Pasha said that he would be willing to step down from his position if parliament ordered his resignation. However, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani turned down his offer of resignation. Pasha also defended the ISI against allegations that the organization had concealed information about bin Laden from the CIA and reported that during a recent meeting with CIA head Leon Panetta, he had pushed for a formal agreement between the two spy agencies. However, the Sunday Telegraph reports that the ISI has broken off ties with the CIA and stopped sharing information on militants within Pakistan. Pasha also detailed a shouting match he had with Panetta the last time he was in Washington and presented strong criticism towards the U.S., declaring, “At every difficult moment in our history, the U.S. has let us down. This fear that we can’t live without the U.S. is wrong.” Pasha also told the members of parliament that Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor charged with killing two Pakistani men, was handed over to the U.S. on the orders of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani. However, Pasha did not answer questions on who paid the blood money to the victims’ families.[i] 
  • Parliament passed a resolution condemning the U.S. raid in Abbottabad and warned against continued U.S. drone strikes in the tribal areas. The resolution stated that "Drone attacks must be stopped forthwith," or else the government would "consider taking necessary steps, including withdrawal of transit facility allowed to [NATO and coalition] forces." Meanwhile, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a group believed to possess ties with Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), rallied at least 4,000 people on Sunday in a demonstration against the U.S. raid in Abbottabad that killed bin Laden. In addition, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) staged a rally on Friday protesting against the unilateral U.S. operation and the Pakistani government’s “failure to protect the sovereignty of the country.” In addition, the protesters condemned continued drone strikes in the tribal areas.[ii]
  • The deputy chief of Air Staff Operations, Air Marshal Muhammad Hassan defended against the military’s failure to detect U.S. helicopters that had entered Pakistani air space during the raid that killed bin Laden. Hassan said that the helicopters had been equipped with technology that enabled them to fly undetected during the operation. Hassan also declared that “the F-16 jet fighters provided by the United States to Pakistan were capable of shooting down the drones that the C.I.A. flies over the tribal areas to attack militants.” For the first time, he also publicly admitted that Pakistan has allowed the United States to fly drones out of the Shamsi Air Base in Balochistan.[iii]

U.S.-Pakistani Relations


Pakistani Americans Linked to TTP

  • On Sunday, three Pakistani Americans and three other men were arrested and charged with offering material support to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), including transactions totaling $50,000. In a statement released by the U.S. Department of Justice, department officials said that “All six defendants are charged with conspiring to provide, and providing, material support to a conspiracy to murder, maim and kidnap persons overseas, as well as conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically, the Pakistani Taliban.” Two of the Pakistani Americans were arrested in Florida and another was detained in Los Angeles, while the remaining suspects are at large in Pakistan. One of the men, Hafiz Khan, was also accused of supporting “the Pakistani Taliban through a madrassa, or Islamic school, in Swat, Pakistan, which they said he used to house militants.”[vii]

Border Clash near Jammu



  • The bodies of three men were found in Miram Shah of North Waziristan Agency on Sunday. A note accompanied the bodies, accusing the men of spying for the U.S. Two of the deceased were local tribesmen, while the third was an Afghan national. Meanwhile, a curfew has been instituted in areas of North Waziristan, including Razmak, Dos Ali, Mir Ali, and Miram Shah.[ix]
  • Ten militants were killed in a clash between insurgents and security forces in Orakzai Agency on Friday. The militants had attacked a checkpoint in the Dabori area, killing a security officer and wounding two others, before receiving retaliatory from the security forces.[x]
  • Seven people, including five soldiers, were wounded in a blast in the Safi sub-district of Mohmand Agency on Saturday. Security personnel had been patrolling the area when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device (IED) in the Gurbaz Bain Khel area. Meanwhile, security forces shelled suspected militant hideouts in the Suran Darra and Walidad areas on Saturday, following a clash between security personnel and militants. Sajjad Mohmand, a spokesperson for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Mohmand Agency claimed that “many soldiers” were killed in the clash.[xi]
  • On Sunday, unidentified militants killed a leader of an anti-Taliban tribal militia in Mohmand Agency, along with his son and a passerby. The insurgents escaped the scene following the attack.[xii]
  • Nineteen NATO oil tankers were torched near the Torkham border crossing in Khyber Agency on Friday night and early Saturday. Militants detonated a bomb that had been planted on one of the tankers, resulting in a fire that engulfed the surrounding vehicles. The Abdullah Azam group has claimed responsibility for the attack and threatened to target those who continue to supply goods to NATO troops in Afghanistan.[xiii]

Saudi Diplomat Killed in Karachi




Blast in Punjab


[i] “DG ISI Shuja Pasha briefs Pakistan parliament,” Dawn, May 13, 2011. Available at“in-camera”-briefing-on-abbotabad-operation-begins.html
[ii] Alex Rodriguez, “Pakistan condemns Bin Laden raid, threatens reprisals for drone strikes,” Los Angeles Times, May 15, 2011. Available at
[iii] Jane Perlez, “Denying Links to Militants, Pakistan’s Spy Chief Denounces U.S. Before Parliament,” New York Times, May 13, 2011. Available at
[iv] David Sanger and Eric Schmitt, “As Rift Deepens, Kerry Has a Warning for Pakistan,” New York Times, May 14, 2011.
[v] “US diplomat arrested outside Rawalpindi,” Express Tribune, May 15, 2011. Available at
[vi] Ginger Thompson and David Rhode, “Chicago Trial M<ay Unmask Pakistan’s Links to Militants,” New York Times, May 14, 2011. Available at
[vii] “Six Pakistani Americans charged with aiding Taliban,” AFP, May 14, 2011. Available at
[viii] “India, Pakistan exchange border fire after soldier,” Reuters, May 15, 2011. Available at
[ix] “3 ‘US spies’ killed,” The News, May 16, 2011. Available at
[x] “Soldier, 10 militants killed in Orakzai clash,” The News, May 14, 2011. Available at
[xi] “Five soldiers among seven hurt in Mohmand blast,” The News, May 15, 2011. Available at
[xii] “Peace body chief among three killed,” Dawn, May 15, 2011. Available at
[xiii] “19 Nato tankers torched near Torkham,” The News, May 15, 2011. Available at
[xiv] “Gunmen kill Saudi diplomat in Karachi,” AFP, May 16, 2011. Available at
[xv] “Hangu blast killed anti-militants elder,” The News, May 16, 2011. Available at
[xvi] “Peace body chief among three killed,” Dawn, May 15, 2011. Available at
[xvii] “Seven killed in Kharian bomb blast,” The News, May 15, 2011. Available at
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