Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: Operation Golden Arrow forces retake al Anad Airbase; UN Special Envoy to Yemen introduces peace plan

Horn of Africa: Somali officials announce Hiran-Middle Shabelle state building conference; SNA captures Hiran towns from al Shabaab

Yemen Security Brief

  • Operation Golden Arrow forces retook al Anad Airbase in Lahij governorate on August 3 after prolonged conflict with members of the al Houthi movement. Al Anad Airbase is the largest military base in Yemen and serves as a key strategic point as Saudi-led coalition forces push north seeking the liberation of Abyan and Lahij. Additionally, control of the base grants access to the main road to the city of Taiz where local popular resistance groups have been fighting the al Houthis for control of the city.[1]
  • UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed met with the secretary general of the General People’s Congressas well as the secretary general of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, in Cairo to discuss plans for a Yemeni peace agreement. Ould Sheikh Ahmed reported that both the GPC and Riyadh have responded positively toward the plan and will travel to Oman to discuss the plan with the al Houthis.[2]   

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Somali officials announced on August 3 that the Hiran-Middle Shabelle state building conference would commence in Beledweyne, Hiran region, next week. The central state building conference, which was held in Adado, Galgudud region in June, created tensions between regional actors and the Somali government and was the target of a failed attack by al Shabaab.[3]
  • The Somali National Army (SNA) recovered El Ali and El Dher, Hiran region, from al Shabaab militants on August 3. Clashes between the militants and Ethiopian African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops had been occurring since July 31 as part of ongoing operations by forces friendly with the Somali government to drive al Shabaab from territory in central Somalia.[4]


[1] “Pro-Hadi fighters recapture Yemen's largest base from Houthis,” Reuters, August 4, 2015. Available:
[2] “U.N. Envoy to Yemen Says Warring Parties Increasingly Open to Peace Plan,” The New York Times, August 4, 2015. Available:
[3] “Somalia: Beledweyne to host state formation convention next week,” Garowe Online, August 3, 2015. Available:
[4] Somali gov’t forces capture more territories in Hiran region,” Bar Kulan, August 4, 2015. Available:
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