Gulf of Aden Security Review

A regularly updated review of both Yemen and the Horn of Africa covering topics related to security, governance, and militant activity.

Yemen: UN-sponsored political talks between the al Houthi movement and the government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi commence in Geneva; al Houthis seize capital of al Jawf

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab militants and KDF soldiers clash in Lamu County; al Shabaab attacks KDF convoy in North Eastern Province, Kenya

Yemen Security Brief

  • UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon opened political talks between the al Houthis movement and Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government in Geneva on June 15.  A delegation of al Houthi representatives, however, has encountered logistical problems in reaching Geneva and has not yet arrived at the talks. Mr. Ban urged both sides to make an effort to reach a ceasefire agreement. Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government has stated any ceasefire agreement will require the al Houthis withdraw from Aden and Taiz and release 6,000 prisoners.[1]  
  • Al Houthi militants seized control of al Hazm, capital of the northern al Jawf governorate, along the Saudi-Yemeni border, on June 14.[2]    

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • A firefight between al Shabaab militants and Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF)  in Baure, Lamu County in Kenya’s Coast Province on June 14 left 11 militants and two soldiers dead. Kenya officials believe Thomas Evans, a British citizen who joined al Shabaab in 2012, and Luqman Osman Issa, a regional al Shabaab commander, are among the dead. KDF soldiers tracked militants who fled the fight into the Boni Forest, killing four escapees. Several militants also briefly captured the nearby town of Mangai, where they preached to residents in a mosque for three hours.[3]
  • Al Shabaab militants reportedly attacked a KDF convoy in Garissa County, North Eastern Province, Kenya, on June 13, resulting in an unknown number of deaths. Kenyan officials believe these militants also unsuccessfully attempted to locate non-resident construction workers in Bula Golol prior to the June 14 firefight between al Shabaab militants and KDF soldiers.[4]
[1] “U.N.’s chief urges two-week Yemen truce” Reuters, June 15, 2015. Available:
Nick Cumming-Bruce, “U.N. leader calls Yemen a ‘ticking time bomb,’ amid delay in cease-fire talks,” New York Times, June 15, 2015. Available:
“Yemen ready to discuss ceasefire if Houthis withdraw: minister” Reuters, June 15, 2015. Available:
[2] “Houthi forces in Yemen seize provincial capital near Saudi border” Reuters, June 14, 2015. Available:
[3] “Al Shabaab fighters and KDF soldiers killed in Lamu military camp fight,” Radio Dalsan, June 14, 2015. Available:
“Kenya says kills al Shabaab commander and possibly militant Briton,” Reuters, June 15, 2015. Available :
“British terrorist Thomas Evans among 11 al Shabaab milita killed in Lamu,” Hiiraan Online, June 15, 2015. Available:
[4] “Al Shabaab attacks KDF convoy,” Live from Mogadishu, Twitter, June 13, 2015. Available:
“11 al Shabaab fighters died in Baure attack: KDF,” Daily Nation, June 15, 2015. Available:
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