Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali AlfonehKatherine Faley, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

 (E) = Article in English


Ahmadinejad, Mousavi neck-and-neck in new poll; Supreme Leader cautions against voting for president seeking to “acquiesce to Western powers”; Mousavi questions government’s policy of expanding engagements in Latin American, not in Caucasus; Rezai pledges constructive, effective engagement with U.S.; Ahmadinejad’s parliamentary supporters threaten to unseat Larijani; President promises to share oil profits with citizens if reelected; Foreign Ministry spokesperson calls for “practical changes” to U.S. policies; Larijani rules out recognition of Israel; Pakistan’s Zardari visits Tehran; Ahmadinejad accepts Russian President’s invitation to attend upcoming Shanghai summit; Iran’s Oil Minister announces investment of $70 billion in oil, gas industry; Tehran to build trade centers in China; Egyptian scholar pledges support for Iran in event of war with U.S.


Presidential Elections: General     Presidential Elections: Mousavi     Presidential Elections: Rezai     Presidential Elections: Ahmadinejad  
  • Ahmadinejad's parliamentary supporters threaten to unseat Ali Larijani as Speaker of the Parliament.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ghasem Ravanbakhsh, member of the scientific board of the Imam Khomeini Research Institute in Qom and political editor of Partov-e Sokhan:
    • "They know Ahmadinejad will be reelected. Dennis Ross has said that Ahamdinejad will be reelected, but we must see to it that his vote is reduced…"
    • "Unfortunately internal movements against the government are in tandem with Westerners and the Americans and the Westerners have on numerous occasions supported them... Unfortunately opponents of the government are chanting the slogans of the Westerners and the Americans and say 'let anyone else but Ahmadinejad become president'. This is a sign of their cooperation with the Westerners..."
  • Ahmadinejad, speaking at a seminar with major oil executives, says "the main hands of the oil mafia have been severed, now only a few hands have remained but God willing they too will be severed and annihilated..."
  • Parliamentarian Daryoush Ghanbari finds "questionable the money being distributed during Ahmadinejad's provincial trips." 
  • (E) Ahmadinejad pledges to share oil profits with Iranian citizens, if re-elected.
  • Entekhab News reports an alleged meeting of 700 members of the Revolutionary Guards in which representative of the Supreme Leader in the Guards, Hojjat al-Eslam Saidi, discusses the elections and urged all the IRGC members to vote for Ahmadinejad but did so without mentioning Ahmadinejad's name.
  • Ahmadineajd's campaign headquarters launches a website:
  • Reza Hosseini is appointed Youth Campaign Chief of the Ahmadinejad campaign in Kerman.
  Politics     Diplomacy     Trade  
  • (E) Asadollah Askaroladi announced plans to construct two trade centers in China as a result five economic delegations from China to Tehran over the past two months. 
  • As the President of Uganda visits Khorasan-e Razavi province Governor General Mohammad-Javad Mohammadizadeh explains the Khorasan private sector's capacity for investments in Uganda.
  Economy     Nuclear Issues     Military and Security     Religion, Society and Culture     Photos of the Day    
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Jun '09
May '09
Apr '09