Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.


 A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

 (E) = Article in English 


The Iranian judiciary announces it will review Saberi's case next week; E'temad says the opening of registration of candidates for Iran's presidency became a "comedy"; the Supreme Leader's brother endorses Mousavi; Abrar claims three-quarters of the shares of private companies are publicly-owned; and Iran and Iraq sign an agreement to introduce flights between their two countries.


·         Judiciary Spokesman Ali-Reza Jamshidi, in his weekly meeting with the press, discloses that review of case of imprisoned American-Iranian journalist Roxanna Saberi and dissident war veteran Abbas Palizdar, for foreign powers will take place next week. Jamshidi also says Saberi is in good health. 



·         E'temad runs a story about the applicants registering for president:

o    "The high brick building on Fatemi Street which was the site of registration for presidential candidates saw the entrance of strangely-dressed guests who had arrived to register for presidential elections. Only a few minutes had passed after the opening of the office before entrance of the bizarrely-dressed people transformed the serious arena of presidential contest into a comedy scene: An elderly gentleman who filed his application dressed in a death shroud, a 28-year-old man with a hat and tattooed nose encircled by journalists, an accidental traveler to Tehran who, now being in Tehran had chosen to register as a presidential candidate, a lady who dressed in a blue headscarf and sandals but with no socks [impermissible in the Islamic Republic] appeared in the Interior Ministry. All this to the bewilderment and wonder of the assembled press.

·         Ahmadineajd in an interview at inauguration of Tehran International Book Exhibit:

o    "Of course, in the future I'll speak to the dear people at length but let me explain a couple of points to the beloved nation: First, this election belongs to the nation, or in reality, a sign of popular will and a point at which future of the country is made.

o    No one is allowed to intervene in elections or try to impact the people's decision making...Elections are the right of the people and the candidates and their supporters are allowed to campaign and engage in propaganda. In campaigning, the fundamental principle is presentation of the candidates. They should present themselves and everyone must struggle to create a suitable and calm atmosphere. If God forbid there is an atmosphere of allegations, lies and character assassination, this raises a sand storm through which it is difficult to decide and this would be a breaching of the rights of the nation...

o    Secondly, I would like to recommend to supporters that no one has the right in the name of supporting this or that candidate to sling mud at another candidate, insult or make accusations or lie. Of course, there are some who are professionals in such things. Right here at this ceremony there was someone who asked me: 'Don't you want to respond to the lies against you?' I said I had not the time. We must work, and in my opinion entering this arena is detrimental to the country. Therefore, no one has the right, specially by using the excuse of supporting me to speak about the others..." 

·         Parvin Ahmadinejad, sister of the Iranian president, plays an ever more prominent role in the Ahmadinejad campaign but rather than talking about politics, shares her memoirs and family moments about her brother with the public. Speaking to an audience of Student Basij members at the Seyyed al-Shohada auditorium, Parvin Ahmadinejad compared her brother with prophets mentioned in the Quran: "In the history of Talout and Jalout we see that the enmity of the followers of Jalout with Talout is because of income disparity between the two and God sends an Angel to convey the commands of God to the people...When Ahmadinejad was Governor-General of Ardebil during the first year, there was earthquake. Back then the budget was concentrated in central towns of provinces and no attention was paid to the rest of the cities and villages. Ardebil was extremely poor and after the earthquake, this situation was worsened. Ahmadinejad would personally visit towns and villages of Ardebil, investigate their problems and attent to them personally..." 

·         Hadi Khamenei, brother of the Supreme Leader, speaking at inauguration of presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi's campaign headquarters in Qom, endorses Mousavi's candidacy and says "Being pro-youth under current circumstances is good, but should not result in exclusion. Exclusion of experienced people amounts to betrayal of achievements of the revolution..."

o    "The fight against [economic] corruption is good, but factional and political cleansing is not."

o    "Crisis solving rather than creating crisis is important. We must not allow that our brothers and neighbors become our enemies. This is a principle...Whenever we take an extreme path, we later try to correct with by taking another extreme measure but the middle way is the right one...”

o    "Some things make beautiful slogans such as democracy and populism, but sometimes these concepts are abused. These concepts are vulnerable and readily abusable by those impious and not God fearing..." 

·         Mohsen Rezai endorses the cause of school teachers in Iran. Rezai also launches an attack against the Ahmaidnejad government for it treatment of the Azad University. 

o    Parliamentarian Ali Mottahari endorses Rezai and praises the fact that "a voice other than Ahmadinejad's is heard from the principalist camp." 

o    Parliamentarian Emad Afrough endorses Mohsen Rezai's and calls his candidacy "the missing link" in the principalist faction. 



·         Sarmayeh analyzes "the hot market of [election] promises of wealth distribution." 

·         Parliament Industries and Mining Committee member Hossein Hashemi deplores the state of production and productivity in the industrial and mining sectors.

·         According to Abrar, 75 percent of the shares of privatized companies are publicly-owned

·         Oil Minister Nowzari reports increase in Iran's natural gas reserves



·         Iran and Iraq sign an agreement to increase exchange of flights between the two countries.

·         Iran and Pakistan to increase their water cooperation. 


Photo of the Day

·         Presidential hopefuls register their candidacy at Interior Ministry.



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Jun '09
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