Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.


A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English




Military and Security

  • Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah is reelected Hezbollah Secretary-General and accepts appointment of Sheikh Na'im Qasem as his deputy. Other members of the Consultative Assembly of Hezbollah are: Sheikh Mohammad Yazbek, head of the Shari'a Council, Seyyed Ebrahim Amin Al-Seyyed, head of the Political Council, Seyyed Hashem Safi al-Din, head of the Executive Council, Hajj Hossein Alkhalil, Political Deputy of the General Secretary, Mohammad Ra'd, head of the Resistance Loyalist faction in the parliament. Nasrallah will soon release a new "political document" on Hezbollah.

  • IRGC commander Mostafa Izadi, Armed Forces Command Council Deputy, speaking in Qom: "Today, the enemies try to impose soft warfare upon us in order to stop the movement of the Islamic revolution and in doing so they create some trouble for the revolution."

  • Commander Javad Maleki, Isfahan Revolutionary Guards Deputy: The "counter revolution" is using the election as an excuse to attack the "revolution."

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Moradi, Takab Friday prayer leader: “After the tenth election, some counter revolutionary elements attempted to disturb the public order and the regime and the Basij played a praiseworthy role in containing those conspiracies and resisted by self sacrifice in the face of the enemies of the regime and the revolution.”

  • [E] Iran plans to launch another research satellite, the Mesbah 2, in 2011.


Religion, Society and Culture

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad Salimi, Special Prosecutor of the Special Clergy Court: "Reorganization of the theological seminaries of the Sunnis does not mean intervention in affairs of the Sunnis but aims at creating the correct environment to stop infiltration of the sacred space of the seminaries by deviating individuals...The enemies are trying to disturb the unity of the community of believers through infiltration of the theological seminaries of the Sunnis by extremist individuals and by propagating extremist thought..."

    • Regarding admittance of non-Iranian Sunni theological students in Baluchistan, Salimi says: "The measure is clear in legislation and no one is allowed to take extra-legal liberties. Everyone must perform his duties within the frameworks of the law and people must abstain from civil disobedience the result of which is anarchy..."

Nuclear Issue

Photo of the Day



Arrow down red
Dec '09
Nov '09
Oct '09