Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.


A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English




  • Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamadani, addressing Revolutionary Guards commanders: "The United States has ever since establishment of relations [with Iran] and especially after the victory of the revolution been the main enemy of the Iranian nation, and the Westerners - who have become its allies - are not inclined [to see] Iran take successful steps in the path of progress and election, especially in the field of military technology and nuclear energy."

  • Ahmadinejad meets Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in Turkey.

  • Ezzat-Allah Zarghami, Islamic Republic Voice and Vision Director, defends seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran in 1979.

  • (E) President Ahmadinejad returned to Tehran after his visit to Istanbul for the 25th Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the OIC where he delivered a keynote speech. The committee, which was established in 1984, seeks to promote economic cooperation among member states.

  •  (E) In a meeting with Comoros President Abdullah Muhamed Sambi on the sidelines of the recent summit in Istanbul, President Ahmadinejad hoped to strengthen bilateral ties between Iran and Comoros. According to Ahmadinejad, the two countries share cultural norms and political interests.

  • (E) President Ahmadinejad and Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad discussed the most important aspects of regional development and the significance of Muslim unity. President Ahmadinejad highlighted the shared interests as well as the mutual threats faced by Tehran and Damascus.

  • (E) Tehran's Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said that three American citizens who were arrested this summer for illegal entry into Iran have been charged with espionage. More recently, a Danish citizen claiming to be a reporter was taken into custody when he failed to produce proper documentation.

  •  (E) Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaee expressed Iran’s support for Afghanistan’s government and offered assistance in establishing domestic stability. The Iranian envoy identified security as the most pressing issue facing currently facing the government.

  • Prime Minister of Kuwait declares his country's readiness to support Saudi Arabia in the fight against Yemeni Shi'a.

    • (E) Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki warned neighboring countries against interfering in Yemen. According to Mottaki, instability in Yemen will affect the political environment in the region as a whole. Despite raging internal conflict in the country, Mottaki has not canceled his trip to Yemen.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Said Jalili, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council: "No one has the permission to make the slightest move contrary to the thoughts of the Supreme Leader...At the Geneva meetings, the nuclear discussion was raised between me and Burns, Under Secretary of State, but I told him that our framework is the IAEA, this discussion is an issue for the experts and is not related to this place [Geneva talks]...What was exchanged between me and Burns can't be called dialogue and negotiation... One of the issues raised in the ninth cabinet was that in the nuclear issue we should make demands and not accused and we should decide the grounds where we would be playing..."

    • (E) Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili explained that the issue of Iran’s nuclear program is closed, warning that Iran will respond to any threat. Jalili boldly asserted, “now the path is closed for certain powers to make excuse on Iran's nuclear issue and the country will powerfully continue its "path of progress." Jalili referred to the P5+1 talks as a symbol of Iran’s determination to secure its rights.
  • Javan quotes an "informed source" who says the Islamic Republic will not accept export of low enriched uranium from Iran to Turkey

  • (E) President Ahmadinejad declared Iran’s proposal to purchase uranium for its nuclear research reactor an attempt at international cooperation, not confrontation. On the sidelines of the 25th Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the OIC, Ahmadinejad emphasized that the nuclear issue will only be solved through dialogue. Ahmadinejad added, “peaceful nuclear energy is a natural right of Iran.”


  • (E) Iran’s Central Bank reported a 1.7 percent drop in inflation rates throughout October. However, the simultaneous rise in consumer prices has caused economists to fear Ahmadinejad's subsidy reform plan, which aims to gradually cut energy and food subsidies.

  • (E) A poll of 126 business leaders conducted by the international consulting firm Oliver Wyman found that 69 percent of respondents expect the Islamic Republic to have a positive impact on regional economic development.


Religion, Society and Culture

  • Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi receiving Sunni religious leader Mowlavi Abd al-Hamid and other Sunni clergy: "Fundamentally, it is the radical teachings of Wahabism which has led to insecurity in the world. Insecurity rests upon the wrong teachings. You followers of the Sunni sect protest against such teachings, but in neighboring countries such as Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places it is creating a mayhem and the Europeans only know Muslims by decapitations [performed by the Wahabis.]"

  • Alef News Agency reports widespread closure of Shi'a mosques in Saudi Arabia

  • (E) Iran’s badminton team is leaving Wednesday for South Africa to compete in the South African International Tournament. The competition will take place from November 13-15 in Durban.

  • (E) Iran’s table tennis team is planning to leave for India this week to play in the 19th Asian Championships. While the competition involves male and female players, Iran’s team is comprised of male athletes.

  • (E) A South Korean art group is planning to visit Tehran on November 14th. The group is made up of 43 artists who will perform South Korean traditional art including music and dancing in a bid to introduce Korean Culture in Iran.



Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Afghanpaper criticizes Iranian police for imprisoning and persecuting Afghan refugees. Gholam Dastagir Azad, the governor of Nimroz Province bordering Iran, says that over one thousand Afghans are deported from Iran on a daily basis, which has undermined security in the province.

  • An article in Hasht-e Sobh, entitled “Iran and playing with regional security,” expresses grave concern over implications of a recent plan by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to arm Baluch militiamen in southeastern province of Sistan Va Balouchestan. The writer warns that the scheme, if implemented, could promote terrorism, create another opportunity for al-Qaeda and pose a serious threat to regional stability. The author points out that militarization of tribal areas in Pakistan has now turned into an existential threat for Pakistan and created a safe haven for terrorists. He warns the Iranian government that the militias would ultimately join Jundullah and turn against the central government. “Sistan Va Balouchestan is situated in southeastern Iran bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is the best possible headquarter for the al-Qaeda-affiliated groups. This area could provide a transit route for al-Qaeda through the sea…to Yemen and Somalia, and could connect them to Central Asia by road… Arming the tribesmen against Jundullah could fuel tribal conflicts in southeastern Iran and could help Jundullah find supporters amongst tribes disenchanted with the government.

  • Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations has called for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.

Iranian Political Cartoon of the Day

Arrow down red
Dec '09
Nov '09
Oct '09