Pakistan Security Brief

Pakistan Security Brief - October 15, 2009

More than three dozen people have been killed during a series of attacks in Lahore, Kohat, and Peshawar; a drone missile struck a suspected militant compound in North Waziristan Thursday; the Pakistani military continued its aerial strikes in South Waziristan ahead of announced ground operations there; the U.S. signed the $7.5 billion aid package for Pakistan into law; two people were injured in a grenade attack on security forces in Quetta, Balochistan. �

  • Over thirty-eight people have died in a series of attacks on Thursday morning.� Three law enforcement installations were attacked by armed militants in Lahore including the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) as well as two police academies, which resulted in the death of over twenty people.� Almost a dozen other individuals were killed in a car bomb blast, in the town of Kohat, which targeted police officers.� A bomb in Peshawar, targeting government personnel, also resulted in the death of a child.[1]
  • A US drone attacked a suspected militant compound in the Dandey Darpa Khel area of North Waziristan Agency on the Afghan border Thursday morning.� The target is unknown but the Taliban commander Jalaluddin Haqqani is known to be active in the area.� Initial reports estimate that three or four people were killed in the strike.[2]
  • As people continue to flee South Waziristan Agency, the Pakistani government persists in bombing militant hideouts.� Recent airstrikes have resulted in the deaths of seventeen militants and an unknown number of civilians.� These most recent strikes come as the Pakistani military forces are preparing a major offensive on South Waziristan.[3]
  • On Thursday President Obama signed the Kerry-Lugar bill that provides 7.5 billion dollars to Pakistan in nonmilitary aid over the next five years.� This bill has been highly criticized by many Pakistanis, including the military, for fears that it will infringe on Pakistani sovereignty.� After a closed ceremony, the White House released a statement saying that the bill illustrates a "tangible manifestation of broad support for Pakistan in the U.S."[4]
  • Two people have been injured in Quetta during a grenade attack on security forces by unknown militants.[5] � � � � � �

[1] "Pakistan rocked by fresh attacks", BBC, October 15, 2009. Available at
[2] "US strike on suspected militant hideout in Pakistan", AFP, October 15, 2009. Available at
[3] Anwarullah Khan, Sailab Mehsud, "Air strikes in South Waziristan kill 17", Dawn, October 15, 2009. Available at
[4] Steve Holland, "Without fanfare, Obama signs Pakistan aid bill", Reuters, October 15, 2009. Available at
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