Pakistan Security Brief

Pakistan Security Brief - September 24, 2009�

North Waziristan drone strike targets suspected Haqqani hideout; Senate approves Kerry-Lugar Pakistan aid bill; civilian exodus from South Waziristan continues; militants kills pro-government tribal elders in Bannu district.

  • A drone strike on the town of Dande Darpa Khel near Miram Shah in North Waziristan Agency killed ten people on Thursday. The target was a suspected hideout of Afghan Taliban commander Jalaluddin Haqqani. There are unconfirmed reports the house targeted belonged to one of Haqqani's sons named Ahmad.[1]
  • On Thursday the U.S. Senate approved legislation sponsored by Senators Kerry and Lugar and Representative Berman to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion per annum for five years. The aid is aimed at a number of development projects including schools and the reform of judicial and law enforcement systems.[2]
  • Over four-hundred and fifty families have begun fleeing Mehsud areas of South Waziristan Agency like Makin and Ladha in an attempt to escape escalating clashes between the Pakistani military and Pakistani Taliban militants in the area. Eyewitnesses claim security forces across the border in North Waziristan are targeting militant positions in South Waziristan with artillery fire.[3]
  • On Thursday Taliban militants killed seven pro-government tribal elders in Bannu district bordering North Waziristan Agency. The tribesmen were reportedly gunned down while travelling on foot to a neighboring village to mediate in a local dispute.[4]
[1] Hasbanullah Khan, "US drone attack kills 10 in Pakistan: officials", AFP, September 24, 2009. Available at
[2] "US Senate approves compromise bill on Pakistan aid", Reuters, September 25, 2009. Available at �
[3] "Mass exodus from S Waziristan continues", The News, September 24, 2009. Available at
[4] "Militants kill Pakistani elders", BBC, September 24, 2009. Available at
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