Iran News Round Up

The Iran News Round Up ran from February 2009-September 2018. Visit the Iran File for the latest analysis.

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English




Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


  • Fars News releases the complete report of Economy Minister Shams al-Din Hosseini to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
  • Donya-ye Eqtesad stresses the importance of Khamenei's advice to the government on limiting the liquidity. It quotes Khamenei:
    • "Well, this is clear: If there is production [to meet increased] liquidity, if there are products and no scarcity, there would be no problem. However, if the liquidity is higher than domestic production or real imports, it will naturally prove problematic." 

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Seyyed Mohammad-Hossein Al-e Ayoub, Syria expert, discusses the role of theological seminaries in Syria:
    • "In 1975, Imam Mousa Sadr and martyr Seyyed Hassan Shirazi infiltrated the presidential palace [in Damascus] and managed to change the mentality of Hafez Assad to the benefit of Shi'a Islam. In this way, Hafez Assad gained interest in the Shi'a and gave them freedom of action [for example by allowing them to establish a seminary in Zeynabiyeh area. Presence of some of the scholars and professors who had migrated to Syria from Najaf... constituted the core of the theological seminary... With the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, a new era began in Syria and the good relations between Iran and Syria were so effective that the theological seminary at Zeynabiyeh expanded and gained a new life. As the representatives of the Imam [Khomeini] and representatives of the Supreme Leader after him, the seminary activities in Syria expanded more. And in early 1980's, the Imam Khomeini Theological Seminary and a few other seminaries were established. Back then, Najaf had its own problems and the Shi'a from countries which did not have a good relationship with the Islamic Republic, would come to Syria to pursue theological studies. Therefore, the number of theologians from different countries and scholars and sources of emulation began looking up to the theological seminaries in Syria... Under present conditions, the Imam Khomeini Seminary is thriving. Under the administration of Hojjat al-Eslam Biniaz, new developments have taken place. At present, 1,200 male and 600 female students with different nationalities study at the seminaries in Syria..." 

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