Congo War Security Review

A daily review of activity related to the war in the eastern DRC between M23 and its Rwandan backers and pro-Congolese government forces every Monday through Friday. Map shapefiles are available by request via email at [email protected].

Data Cutoff: March 21, 2025, at 1 P.M. EST

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Key Takeaway: M23 will reportedly participate in Qatari-mediated discussions in the coming days. Pro-Congolese government militias launched a counterattack on M23 positions in Walikale town of western North Kivu shortly after M23 took control of the town’s key points. M23 announced a series of economic and humanitarian initiatives as it seeks to consolidate control over its territory in eastern DRC.

Northern Axis: Lubero-Butembo-Beni-Bunia

Nothing significant to report.

Southern Axis: Bukavu-Uvira-Baraka-Kalemie

The Congolese army (FARDC) and pro-Congolese government militia fighters clashed with M23-aligned rebels in an area that straddles the Fizi and Mwenga districts in southern South Kivu for the third straight day. Congolese media reported that the pro-Congolese government forces launched an attack on rebel positions and took control of several villages near Minembwe town on March 20 and March 21.[1] Pro-Congolese government forces clashed with M23-aligned rebels roughly 14 miles north of Minembwe in Mikenge on March 19.[2] Pro-Congolese government forces have clashed with M23-aligned rebels in Mikenge and the Minembwe area since late February.[3]

Northwest Axis: Masisi-Walikale-Lubutu-Kisangani

Congolese media outlet reported in a series of articles that FARDC and pro-Congolese government militias launched a counterattack on M23 positions in Walikale town of western North Kivu shortly after M23 took control of key infrastructure in the town. M23 captured Walikale on March 19, forcing FARDC to retreat 15 miles northwest of Walikale along the RN3 to Boboro.[4] reported that M23 forces had deployed on March 20 to “several strategic locations” in Walikale, including a military camp, the town’s administrative offices, and the town’s airport—Kigoma airfield.[5] The outlet reported that FARDC launched a ground and air attack on Kigoma airfield shortly after M23 permitted an unidentified aircraft to land on March 21.[6]

Southwest Axis: Bukavu-Kamituga-Shabunda-Kindu

M23 clashed with pro-Congolese government militias near the Walungu district capital in central South Kivu. Congolese media reported that M23 and pro-Congolese government militias clashed near Walungu town and in at least five villages within 15 miles of the town on March 19.[7] M23 previously clashed with pro-Congolese government militias in Burhale group—located 10 miles south of Walungu town along the RN2—on March 18.[8] M23 captured Walungu town and its surrounding areas in late February, but Congolese media reports have indicated since that time that pro-Congolese government militia fighters have continued to contest the area.[9]

Major Political Developments

Isolated and unconfirmed reports in Congolese media claim that M23 will participate in Qatari-mediated discussions in the coming days.[10]  Qatar brokered a ceasefire between the DRC and Rwanda on March 18 after M23 pulled out of Angola-mediated discussions with the DRC government.[11] Nouveau Media reported that M23 will now participate in Qatari-mediated discussions because the rebels “no longer have much confidence” in Angola’s ability to mediate impartially between the group and the Congolese government.[12] M23 spokesperson Lawrence Kanyuka had said that M23 required “a good environment” to voice their demands in an interview with Russian state media on March 19.[13] Nouveau Media cited “several sources” in Goma who claimed that M23 leaders—including Corneille Nangaa, head of M23’s political branch, Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC)—have agreed to attend peace talks in Doha, the Qatari capital.[14] The outlet claimed that Qatar views M23’s participation in future negotiations as indispensable to reaching a long-term peace agreement.[15]

M23 announced new efforts to cooperate with UN humanitarian requests, including allowing a visit from the UN monitoring team. Kanyuka announced on March 21 that experts from the UN’s DRC monitoring team will visit M23-occupied areas from March 23 to March 27.[16] A Congolese journalist reported on social media on March 21 that the UN experts will investigate logistical concerns to help facilitate humanitarian efforts.[17] Kanyuka said that M23 is seeking to reopen the airport in Goma—North Kivu’s provincial capital—in an interview with Reuters on March 20.[18] M23 has controlled the Goma airport—a key logistical hub for humanitarian operations in North Kivu and South Kivu—since capturing Goma in late January but has claimed that the airport remains in inoperable disrepair despite calls from the UN to reopen the airport.[19]

Nangaa said that AFC would establish a financial “regulatory authority” in areas under its control that will function as a central bank in an interview with Reuters on March 20.[20] Nangaa’s comments came after Kanyuka announced in a communiqué on March 19 that M23 appointed three officials to lead M23’s efforts to administer North Kivu’s public finance, tax management, and investments.[21] Goma has faced cash shortages and rising prices after the Central Bank of Congo severed business relations with local banks when M23 took the city.[22] The French magazine Jeune Afrique reported in late February that the Central Bank of Congo would consider banks based in Goma as “complicit” with M23 if they continued servicing local populations under M23 occupation.[23] Banks have also remained closed in Bukavu—the South Kivu provincial capital—and Nangaa said that AFC would “take action” against local banks who refused to resume service during a public rally in the city in late February.[24]

[1];; https://actualite dot cd/index.php/2025/03/21/mwenga-cinq-morts-dans-des-affrontements-entre-wazalendo-et-twirwaneho-mikenge; https://www.radiookapi dot net/2025/03/21/actualite/securite/sud-kivu-reprise-des-combats-dans-les-hauts-plateaux-de-minembwe; https://kivumorningpost dot com/2025/03/21/minembwe-reprise-des-combats-entre-twirwaneho-et-mai-mai-wazalendo-a-mukoko

[2] https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/21/mwenga-cinq-morts-dans-des-affrontements-entre-wazalendo-et-twirwaheno-mikenge

[3] https://actualite dot cd/2025/02/25/mwenga-affrontements-depuis-trois-jours-entre-larmee-et-le-groupe-twirwaheno-allie-de; https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/06/rdc-mwenga-les-wazalendo-reprennent-le-village-mikenge-apres-de-violents-combats-contre;; https://actualite dot cd/2025/02/26/rdc-fizi-apres-la-mort-de-son-leader-makanika-dans-une-frappe-de-drone-de-larmee-la; https://times dot cd/index.php/2025/02/25/situation-securitaire-dans-lest-violents-combats-a-minembweles-fardc-et-les-wazalendo-progressent;

[4] https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/19/rdc-walikale-centre-passe-sous-controle-des-rebelles-de-lafcm23; https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/21/rdc-la-situation-est-tendue-walikale-centre-des-tirs-en-cours

[5] https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/20/rdc-les-rebelles-de-lafcm23-se-deploient-dans-des-endroits-strategiques-walikale-centre

[6] https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/21/rdc-un-aeronef-atterrit-walikale-sous-occupation-des-rebelles-de-lafcm23; https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/21/rdc-la-situation-est-tendue-walikale-centre-des-tirs-en-cours

[7] https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/20/walungu-un-calme-apparent-apres-des-accrochages-entre-wazalendo-et-m23-dans-plusieurs

[8] https://www.radiookapi dot net/2025/03/19/actualite/securite/deux-morts-la-suite-des-combats-entre-wazalendo-et-m23-burhale

[9];; https://actualite dot cd/2025/02/21/rdc-les-rebelles-du-m23-campent-walungu-centre-et-kashanja-desormais-quatre-de-huit; https://actualite dot cd/index.php/2025/03/01/walungu-fardc-et-m23-saffrontent-bwahungu-et-muzinzi; https://actualite dot cd/2025/03/04/rdc-lafcm23-atteint-mwenga-sixieme-territoire-du-sud-kivu-affecte-par-la-rebellion; https://www.radiookapi dot net/2025/03/11/actualite/securite/poursuite-des-combats-entre-le-m23afc-les-fardc-et-ses-allies-walungu; https://www.radiookapi dot net/2025/03/19/actualite/securite/deux-morts-la-suite-des-combats-entre-wazalendo-et-m23-burhale

[10] https://www.nouveaumedia dot cd/crise-en-rdc-une-delegation-de-lafc-m23-annoncee-a-doha-chez-lemir-du-qatar


[12] https://www.nouveaumedia dot cd/crise-en-rdc-une-delegation-de-lafc-m23-annoncee-a-doha-chez-lemir-du-qatar

[13] https://www.rt dot com/africa/614487-m23-wants-peace-drc

[14] https://www.nouveaumedia dot cd/crise-en-rdc-une-delegation-de-lafc-m23-annoncee-a-doha-chez-lemir-du-qatar

[15] https://www.nouveaumedia dot cd/crise-en-rdc-une-delegation-de-lafc-m23-annoncee-a-doha-chez-lemir-du-qatar






[21]; https://kivumorningpost dot com/2025/03/20/nord-kivu-le-m23-afc-nomme-de-nouveaux-responsables-des-regies-financieres




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